Quick WordPress Security Vulnerability Fixes

 Like all other sites, WordPress sites are also vulnerable to web-based threats. Hackers can hack WordPress sites once they find a loophole in your network security. It is quite essential to keep your WordPress site safe from hackers. If you are in fear of your site getting hacked, you have come to the right place. We have brought you a list of several quick and easy ways to protect your site from being hacked. Let’s take a glance at the quick fixes below.

Outdated Plugins

WordPress comes with several plugins. When a plugin becomes outdated, it may become vulnerable to online attacks. It is essential to keep your plugins updated as hackers can target your WordPress site using their advanced tactics. It is recommended not to use outdated plugins. To update the outdated plugins, you can visit Admin Panel and check for the updates.

Upgrade WordPress to the Latest Version

The latest version brings extra security features and adds multi-security layers so that any WordPress site does not face any security issues. If you are still using an obsolete version, you should update it. The latest version offers advanced security features and fixes all the vulnerabilities to hackers. To update the version, go to the Admin Panel and click “Update.” You can set it to auto-update mode, so there is no worry about updating it manually.

Poor Hosting Service

The better your hosting service is, the tighter security it may provide to your site. You should know which PHP version your hosting provider is offering. If your PHP has become outdated, update it. The outdated PHP version makes your site open to online attacks. In order to know which PHP version your WordPress site uses, go to Tools > Site Health. If it is outdated, you will see the option to update it.

Avoid Granting Different Users Permissions

If you permit different users to manage your website, this too can be risky. They can edit the site, payment details, and much more. WordPress site offers different roles for which permission can be granted. These include Author, Editor, Administrator, and Subscriber, and Contributor. If the permission falls into the wrong hands, your WordPress site can be hacked. Give users access to the WordPress site only if they are trustworthy to your organization.

Avoid Weak Password

It is always recommended to create a strong password as weak passwords are more vulnerable to hackers. Never use your phone number or lucky number as a password because it may be risky enough. If someone is making repeated attempts to log in to your WordPress site, it may crash. If your password is not as strong, you can change it by going to the WordPress Admin.

Use Default Login Area in WordPress

You can keep the WordPress site safe from hackers by using your default login area. In order to create a customized login area with Defender, go to “Advanced Tools” and just click to get started and create a custom URL. Masking your login area is a great way to avoid getting hacked.


SSL/HTTPS is an encryption method that protects your WordPress site from the evil eyes of hackers. It does an excellent job of securing the connection between your hosting server and the user’s browser. Add SSL/HTTPS to your WordPress site to protect it from hackers. Most hosting providers offer encryption technology. It becomes quite difficult for hackers to access SSL/HTTPS enabled site.

We have mentioned various methods to protect your site from hackers. These methods will ensure the security of your WordPress site. We hope you find the information of great help to you.

Source: WordPress Security


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